On our second day in Moab, we went to the Arches National Park. It was so much fun! The first hike we did was to Delicate Arch. It is a 3 mile hike round trip. Jayden walked almost the whole way up, and part of the way down. We couldn't believe how much she walked! It was so windy on top, as you can see from our hair blowing in the wind, we didn't stay long up there. It is an incredible view! The center picture in the collage is Jayden within 5 minutes after finishing our hike! After eating lunch, we went to Sand Dune Arch. For those of you who haven't been to Arches, it is a huge area of soft sand in the shade. Unfortunately it was so windy, and sand was
blowing in our eyes, we got a few pictures in the narrow rocks you hike thru, and we left. We decided to go to Double Arch, or as Jayden would call it, echo arch. It was fun to yell so loud, and Jayden thought it was so funny! They have a sign posted before hiking in that area, that if you see a mountain lion, pick up your small children! I figure if I saw one, my hubby would protect me! We went to a couple of other arches, and had so much fun being outdoors, and seeing a beautiful national park! Did you notice in which picture you can see a sheep? It is actually named sheep rock! And yes, there is a picture of me concuring that mountain! Don't I look so tough :)
This is Double Arch, an amazing sight to see!

In case you were wondering, Jeff and Jayden really are holding up that rock :)
You two are such AWESOME parents. All these pictures are so cute. And Jayden looks like she is having a blast the whole time.
Your pictures look amazing. I haven't been to Moab in years. Your post is reminding me how much I miss it. Looks like a ton of good healthy fun!
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