Sunday, May 25, 2008

911 Emergency!

Yesterday I was up in Sandy with my mom, grandma and the kids. We were able to meet up with Jeff, and see the ambulance. Jayden was so excited. Isn't Jeff the hottest paramedic you have ever seen? I think so :) Jayden was being so cute playing on the radio, trying on medical gloves, and laying on the bed. (Don't worry, it was a clean sheet, I asked) She even got to turn on the sirens for a second, and sound the horn! I just asked her what her favorite thing on the ambulance was and she told me hit somebody. She is always being a tease!
I don't think she is a certified medic, but it would brighten up my day to see this cute face!

Luckily she didn't hit the button to talk to anyone! She also pretended like these were a phone, and had one up to both ears!

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Planting Flowers

We planted flower yesterday, and yes, this was Jayden's reaction to getting her hands in the dirt. She would help for a second, and then she would talk about how yucky her hands were, and she would go wash them out in the faucet. She spent the majority of her time playing in the water, while I took pictures, and Jeff planted the flowers. I helped for a little bit, but I couldn't keep my flowers in a straight row, so I left the planting to my amazing husband. There was a moment when both Jeff and I were in the house, and when we came back out there was a plant with no flower buds on it. The buds were sitting on the edge of the planter box, and we had to explian that we can't pull those off!
Collin spent his time napping, and laying on a blanket in the backyard. He is such a smily little guy, and loves attention (which of course, we love to give him).
Jeff had built this planter box in the backyard when he built the sandbox, but it had been to cold to plant anything.
I had to put this bottom picture on of how cute and crazy my kids are! I love them so much :)

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom and Me at the Zoo

Yesterday was Mom and Me at the Zoo. The title fit us perfect, because it was my mom and me at the zoo :) We sell the shirts at Macys department store (where I work), so my mom and I decided to take Jayden and Collin. Jeff was home catching some zzzzzzzzz's because of his overnight work schedule. They had some fun activities for us with shirts. We did a craft and made a cute headband with flowers. The next booth we went to was face painting. Jayden, after much decision making, decided to be a tiger. They were willing to do any animal you wanted! I decided to let Jayden choose what I would be, and tada, she chose a giraffe! Aren't we cute? My mom chose to be a butterfly. They were also serving free ice cream, and they had 6 different flavors to taste. They let us taste as many as we wanted! They did have free massages for moms (Happy Mothers Day to those of you reading), but we didn't make it in time to that area. After that we went on the train ride. The craziest part is when they take you thru the buffalo part, and they are just loose in there! Jayden was sitting on the train saying "chugga chugga," having so much fun. After all of those activities we decided it was time to go see some animals. They were all moving around and being fairly active. The best was the giraffes. I'd have to say I am the best looking giraffe on this page :-) They were inside eating, and Jayden really wanted to go into their pin with them. We had to keep explaining to her that she was too little . They did have a cute baby giraffe to look at. We had such a fun time at the zoo. Collin slept most of the time, which worked well so he wasn't out in the sun.
I didn't know that lions ate tigers!

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Trip to Moab

My parents have a fun tradition of taking our family to Moab every year, so we left Collin with my fabulous mother-in-law, and decided to make it a fun trip for Jayden. When we arrived we decided to set up camp. As you can see from the top picture, the tent looks fairly normal, but isn't even close. Jeff and I started putting poles in slots. We began with 2 long poles and 5 short. We placed the long ones in what we thought were the correct spots (crossing over the biggest part of the tent, and connecting at the bottom), but as soon as we connected them, one corner would come loose. To make matters worse, We had 5 spots left for poles (that none of them crossed each others path to connect), and 5 poles. For those of you who have put tents together, we were in need of expert assistance! We tried everything from one of us standing in the tent to see if we could see more slots for poles to laying it down flat and starting over. After a short time we said "forget this, we will deal with this later". My brother and dad came back from a bike ride, and we enlisted the help of my brother (who just graduated as a mechanical engineer), and knew we had found our expert advise. After admiring the job we had done so far, the knowledge came that we were missing the top piece (that would connect all of our poles that were pointing to the sky together)! FYI--Jeff gathered the tent--So as you can see in the next picture, they found a plastic bowl in our car, and decided to duct tape (works for anything right?) our tent poles inside. There were six of us around, 4 holding poles up, one holding the bowl down, and Jeff duct taping the poles inside the bowl. Jeff, in his duct taping madness, had the sticky side up, so the first few rap-a-rounds didn't stick, (and we were all laughing too hard to tell him), managed to make it stay up. I'll let you finish laughing for just a second, yes there is more! So we figured we could stack bags in the corner to hold the tent up, and Jeff climbed inside to blow up the air matress. He came out and notified me that he had seen 2 air mattresses in the attic, but just "picked one," and it turned out to be a twin size mattress (that us 3 were supposed to sleep on), and that the pump didn't even fit it, even if we wanted to try and make it work! FYI--Jeff gathered the mattress--After all of this, we decided to just rent a cabin from the same campground. What have I learned in all of this you ask? I from now on, will do the packing, ALL OF IT!

Later on that day, we went hiking up by Slickrock bike riding trails. We had so much fun just being together as a family, and enjoying each others company!

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 2 In Moab

On our second day in Moab, we went to the Arches National Park. It was so much fun! The first hike we did was to Delicate Arch. It is a 3 mile hike round trip. Jayden walked almost the whole way up, and part of the way down. We couldn't believe how much she walked! It was so windy on top, as you can see from our hair blowing in the wind, we didn't stay long up there. It is an incredible view! The center picture in the collage is Jayden within 5 minutes after finishing our hike! After eating lunch, we went to Sand Dune Arch. For those of you who haven't been to Arches, it is a huge area of soft sand in the shade. Unfortunately it was so windy, and sand was blowing in our eyes, we got a few pictures in the narrow rocks you hike thru, and we left. We decided to go to Double Arch, or as Jayden would call it, echo arch. It was fun to yell so loud, and Jayden thought it was so funny! They have a sign posted before hiking in that area, that if you see a mountain lion, pick up your small children! I figure if I saw one, my hubby would protect me! We went to a couple of other arches, and had so much fun being outdoors, and seeing a beautiful national park! Did you notice in which picture you can see a sheep? It is actually named sheep rock! And yes, there is a picture of me concuring that mountain! Don't I look so tough :)

This is Double Arch, an amazing sight to see!

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The top middle picture is sheep rock
In case you were wondering, Jeff and Jayden really are holding up that rock :)