Both of these pictures were taken around the boys each turning 7 months old. I have been wanting to compare similar facial expressions to see how much they look alike. I think they do look a lot a like! What do you think?The top picture is Collin last year carving pumpkins,and the bottom is Brody sitting up. I am curious your opinions, so please leave a comment!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Do we look similar?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween Everyone! This year Jayden was a bumble bee fairy, Collin was a turtle, and Brody was Santa! I went up and suprised my parents at their house before heading out for the candy. Jeff had to work, so we invited Karen (favorite mother-in-law) to come trick or treating with us! Can you believe she said yes? :) We walked around my neighborhood for close to an hour. It was a perfect amount of time for the kids, and they had so much fun! Brody slept most of the time, and I would carry Collin up to the doors with Jayden. He loved holding out his bucket, and Jayden was great at saying trick or
treat, and thank you!
We decided to go up and suprise Jeff at work so he could see the kids. Luckily he was not on a call, and he was very suprised to see us! Josh and Janelle came over and said hi too!
We hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. We had a blast!
P.S. In the second picture, can you spot a bumble bee fairy? She is somewhere in the picture! :)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Jayden!
Jayden's birthday started out a 6 am! She got to come to work with me, and help me! We had a holiday kick off party at 8, so for the first couple hours she got to help me work! We had fun. When we got home Jeff had part of her present ready. We decided this year to get her a bike, and helmet. Jeff had the clever idea of just giving her the helmet first to see what she would think. She opened it, and was very excited to have a princess helmet, and very confused on why she needed just a helmet. She was asking if it was for her trike, and Jeff said well maybe you need something else, and went down to the basement and brought her up a bike! She was so excited and has been riding pretty much non stop when we have been home. We have an unfinished basement, so it is perfect for her to ride around!
Jeff and I took her down to the Bean Museum during the day, and on our way she fell asleep in the car because of her early start! Once we were there she was excited!
Later we were going to go take up a cake and ice cream to Jeff''s work and celebrate, but he got busy until late. So me and Collin sang to Jayden again! We are so happy to have Jayden in our family!
Jayden's 4th Birthday Party
I can't believe that my little girl just turned 4 years old! Time flies by! This year she decided she wanted to have a princess party. It was a lot of fun to plan, but slightly stressful! 4 year olds can be hard to impress :)
As the kiddos arrived we painted their fingernails to make them feel like princesses! Affter that we played musical chairs, but instead of chairs we had Alladin's magic carpets. As the music turned off, and a child didn't have somewhere to sit and were out, we gave them a treat so they didn't feel left out. As soon as Jayden realized there was candy involved, she prurposly didn't find somewhere to sit so she could get candy!
We then made princess door hangers with pom poms and stickers for each of them to take home and hang on their door knob. They all enjoyed making them and took their time to make them special. They were so creative!
After that we opened presents and had cake and ice cream! She got lots of fun stuff and has played with all of it over the last few days!
Happy Birthday Jayden!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tonight I was working with Brody on sitting up, and suddenly, he was doing it all by himself for a long time! He was being so cute! He was so happy! Lately he has been frustrated with laying down all of the time, so he was so excited to see the world differently! P.S. He is not as close to the stairs as he appears! :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Broken Legs Are No Fun!
Last night Collin was playing in the kitchen as I went to sit down in the living room with Brody, and I heard "that cry" that I had never heard. The cry of extreme pain. I ran around the corner to the kitchen and saw Collin lying on a blanket on his back. As I picked him up he was saying ouchie, and I thought he had re injured his foot that he fractured last Saturday (under the pillow in the picture). He then started grabbing at his right leg, and I noticed a HUGE bump on his shin. Thankfully, my fab mother-in-law was available (Jeff was working, unable to answer my frantic calls), and came down to watch the other kiddos while me and Collin took a trip to the emergency room. We ended up splinting it for the drive with a blanket and duct tape. We are in the middle of moving, and all key broken bone, splint items are already moved!
The doctors and nurses were great! They made a special point to get him a ball (which he loves), and bubbles! He ended up with a broken tibia, and we will have it casted next week. Jeff said I could get him a pink cast, but I think Collin would hold it against me when he gets older :)
The hospital took great care of us to ensure he was a comfortable as possible. Jeff ended up getting off work and making it to the hospital as we were being discharged.
I think I handled my first broken (rush to the emergency room) bone pretty well! I only cried on the way home for a few seconds! Everything was happening way to fast to freak out.
I will definantely post again after he gets his cast next week!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Let the dancing begin...
We have had Jayden in gymnastics, and just recently decided to see what other talents she has, so on Tuesday she started dance class. Isn't she adorable? I took her to the store with me and she got to pick out her dance outfit, of course pink. She did so good! They will be learning tap, ballet, and hip hop. They will also be having recitals, I can hardly wait!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Summer Days
Wow! Its been a long time since I have sat down to blog, or actually just sat down! We have been crazy busy and blessed with 3 wonderful kids! Brody (left) is now 4 and a half months old, Jayden (middle) almost 4, and Collin (right) is 17 months old. We have been having a great summer! We went to Moab the end of April with my family, which was a blast! We have also been swimming up at Jeff's sister Janelle's pool and enjoying the summer air! We also had a great 4th of July at the parade, a picnic in the canyon, and my favorite part of the 4th, walking around the Provo arts and crafts booths!
I recently told my work that I am now ready to go part time! Yes, part time! Hooray! That means more blogging time for you, and more kid/parent time for me! Jeff and I are both extremely excited for this to start soon! In order to work part time, we will be selling our home we are currently living in. We decided it was worth the trade for me to be home with the kids. I am planning on it happening soon so we still have some summer days to play!
We hope that all is going well for each and every one of you, and I look forward to more blogging time!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mom and Me at the Zoo
Monday, April 20, 2009
Brody at One Month
For christmas my fabulous mother in law Karen got me a digital scrapbooking program. I love downloading cute kits, but haven't had the time to make anything yet, until now! Here is my first try at digital scrapbooking! I hope you like his birth announcement! We chose the middle name Vernon after my grandpa. He is an amazing person! He has personally done so much for me and our family all my life. He is a very humble person with a strong spirit that you can feel with him in your presence. We feel honored that we can name Brody after him! We are so happy to have Brody in our lives! What a blessing for us to have 3 completly healthy kids! Collin's favorite thing to do is to give him kisses on the head (supervised of course :), and Jayden loves to be helpful with getting things to change his diaper, and hold him. She is a very protective older sister, and I love that she loves him so much! While we are talking about things we are thankful for, I need to say that I am so thankful for Jeff in my life! I am so greatful that he is worthy to have the preisthood to bless my life, and our kids! The power of the preisthood is truly amazing, and spirit that comes with it is undeniable. It is amazing what a comfort it brings. I am so happy to have the gospel in my life!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Once there was a Snowman...
Happy Easter!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Our Family of Five
We had a nice suprise early on St. Patricks Day. At 1 am I started having contractions. I woke Jeff up at about 2:30 am (not wanting to wake him for a false alarm). At about 3:30 am we decided that we should probably go the hospital and see what was going on. (At this point I was still in denial that I could be going into labor 2 1/2 weeks early). We took the kids to my grandparents house about 4ish and headed to the hospital. After finding out that I was dialating, they said we were ready to have this baby! Jeff gave me a very sincere blessing of peace and comfort, and we headed off to the operating room. At 6:20 Brody was born. He
weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces, and was 18 inches long. He came out healthy and cute as ever! Thanks to everyone who has helped us and visited us!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Between Jeff and the family they decided to donate stuffed animals to Gold Cross. Gold Cross keeps the stuffed animals on the trucks to give to children who are being transported. Overall there was a total of 77 stuffed animals! It was so great! Jeff was able to have his supervisor Nic, and another medic Dave come to recieve the donation. Jeff was able to bring over an ambulance, which the kids LOVED! We were able to take lots of pictures, but good luck getting all of the kids to look, let alone smile! Thanks to everyone for making it such a successful day!