I started my vacation for 10 days last Friday, and Jeff had to work all weekend, so I decided to pack up the kids and go up to Bear Lake with the kids and my family. My aunt and uncle's family have a cabin up there. It was about a 3 hour drive. Am I slightly crazy to take the kids alone? I say yes, but the kids were great on the drive up! (We will talk about the drive back later :) )Collin slept about 2 hours, and Jayden slept over an hour. That evening we relaxed and hung out with the cousins at the cabin. Jayden was in seventh heaven being with her cousins. They watched a movie that evening, and she then decided to sleep in a twin bed with me rather than with all of her cousins. Fun! I had Collin in his car seat next to me. He had been awake for a long period of time that evening so I assumed that he would sleep so well! Boy was I wrong! He woke up at 12, 3, 4:30 and 6:30. At 4:30 I decided he would sleep a little longer laying next to me, so all 3 of us were sleeping in a twin bed! Good thing we are all small! The next morning we got ready and went down to the lake. It is such a beautiful aqua color, the pictures don't do justice!
Jayden went out in the water, and something (probably seaweed) touched her foot, and she freaked out thinking it was a dolphin. I had to explain that there aren't dolphins in the lake, so she decided it was a fish. My cousin went out into the water with a plastic bat and pretended to "kill the fish" so she wouldn't be scared, but that didn't work. It was very entertaining to watch, and defiantly worth it! She enjoyed sitting on a tube being pulled around in the water. We took her on a tube ride pulled by the boat. It is a tube with 3 places to sit, so she was on my lap in the middle, with my brother and his girlfriend on the sides of us. She loved it. After her ride my brother and I decided we wanted a more adventurous ride. Our first ride we skidded outside the wake behind the boat, and I got dumped off. It was so fun! We decided to go on one more ride, and wow, it should go in the record books. We again were outside the wake and we hit a huge swell that popped us up clear in the air. My family in the boat said they could see the bottom of the tube, and I was above that flying high in the air. They said I was about 8 feet in the air before I hit the water! It was quite the adventure! Oh the best part? My brother stayed on both
times! What a punk! We stayed at the lake for close to 5 hours, Collin also did great hanging out in the shade.
That evening we went into town and got delicious shakes. That night we had a bigger bed, and Collin only woke up at 4 and 6:30. We had another great breakfast, and packed up and came home to my cute husband! The first hour of the ride home the kids were whinny and tired, but they both fell asleep until we were a few minutes from home, so it worked out great! We missed Jeff so much! We were so excited to get home to him, and missed him on our trip, but defiantly enjoyed it!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Trip to Bear Lake
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tonight we decided to get out of the house and go do something fun. We came up with the idea of going up to Bridal Veil Falls. It was absolutely beautiful! We picked up KFC, had a picnic and went up to play in the water. Jayden cracks me up. The water was ice cold, but she wanted nothing more than to play in it forever! Jeff went out and waded in the water with her, and played around in the falls. She kept refering to it as Fish Lake (because she knows we are going there soon). I highly recommend taking the time to go up there with your families, and enjoy the summer weather!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Fourth of July!
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO EVERYONE! I hope that you all had a fun, happy and safe holiday! We had such a fun day! It all began at 8 am, and ended at 10:45 pm! My kids are such little troopers! We went to the parade down in Provo, which was a blast. Just Jayden and I went with my mom, grandma aunt and uncle. Collin and Jeff stayed back because of the heat, yea... (Jeff doesn't love parades). Jayden was pretending to play the musical instruments with the bands that came thru. After that we went and walked around the boothes at the Freedom Festival for a little while. Around 1 pm we met up with Jeff and Collin and went out to Hobble Creek canyon with the Nuttall family for a barbeque. My mother in
law (the same favorite one), and my sister in law Janelle (who just got back from Switzerland this week) decided to go walk around the boothes a little more. Jayden took a few minute nap on the way there. It was so much fun! They had blow up slides that Jayden was able to play on, and she went "fishing" and got a whistle (yeah! a whistle! my favorite!). We left and went up and had a barbeque and did
fireworks works with my family. I have 2 brothers that can't just do fireworks, they have to make them bigger and more explosive. It was so fun to watch. We all had boxes of poppers, and it was fun to scare each other with them!
Today we are simply recovering from all the fun :)