Sunday, January 18, 2009

Days of a Princess

Princesses have to be beautiful all the time and never seen in the same outfit, right?

I have been noticing for a while how many times a day Jayden changes her clothes, and decided you might all like a preview too! I have 6 pictures, but missed the pajamas that she woke up in and the outfit she went out in after the jeans picture! When she wakes up she has to put on her "comfy" clothes right away. It was after she changed and had been awake for only 5 minutes I thought that this would be fun to document! She will dissapear upstairs for a short time, then come down in something completely different, just because. Anytime we leave the house and she wears jeans, the first thing she does when she gets home is puts back on "comfy clothes," even if I have told her we will be going somewhere soon. Hey, atleast she dresses herself, right?

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Jill Stott said...

That's amazing! I can barely get the boys dressed once a day let alone six!

canihavethisdance said...

Kaylie did the same thing when she was Jayden's age. She is still doing it at age 16!! Must be a girl thing. Jayden is a cutie!

Jessica said...

I LOVE IT!! So much fun to have a girl! She is such a beautiful little princess!

Kristi said...

She's so cute!! Congrats on another cute boy coming your way!